This page demonstrates how to adjust the body properties from CSS through Jetpack. It’s a bit kludgy, but it works.

First, install WordPress and create your pages. It is important that these pages are static. If you dynamically generate content like posts and want certain ones to have certain properties, then you should play with setting custom classes for those posts or pages and taking advantage and using a similar method to what I’m describing now.

After WordPress, install the JetPack plugin (need a free account to take advantage of all features). You will need this for the Custom CSS feature.

Next, go to your page on WordPress and open up your web inspector. Safari, Mac’s favorite browser, supplies this under the Develop menu (you won’t see this menu unless you enable it under Preferences…->Advanced). Here’s what I see :

Developer Tools

It looks like WordPress gave my body tag the page-id-93 class, among others.

Now go to Appearance -> Edit CSS and create code ala this :

Welcome to Custom CSS!

To learn how this works, see
*/ {
	background-color: #ddccaa;

Your done. I’m done. We’re all done.

Next, profit.